Gonçalo Gonçalves

October 2021 - Balancing a Job, a Master's degree and a Kaggle Competition

Started my Master’s classes

This month I started my Master’s in Biomedical Engineering at ISEL officially. This semester I’ll be learning about Nanotechnology, biosensors, sensors, eletronics, image processing, biomechanics and quality and health management.

Along all of these subjects, I already got the opportunity to work with a breadboard to assemble eletric circuits and on the following months I’ll also start working with the arduino uno.

Started a Kaggle competition

With the beginning of my classes, I intended to go easy on my Machine Learning and Deep Learning journey, but fortunately, a friend of mine and I teamed up on a Kaggle competition.

This competition is sponsored by Google Brains and it consists of ventilator pressure prediction. Further description of the competition can be found on Kaggle here. Although we entered a little bit late and didn’t have much time to experiment with the data, we did some interesting findings. When the competition ends, I intend to share all the code on Github.

So far so good, I have been learning a lot and that’s all that matters.

The Parkinson’s law is real

Now with a full-time job as a Radiology Technologist at Cleerly and a Master’s degree to take, I know the struggle to manage all the things that I need to do on a daily basis. For now, since I’m still farway from exams and deadlines, everything is manageable. But, although I know difficult times are yet to come, I also know I’ll come out on top as I always have.