December 2021 - Some projects and a look back to 2021
Another month passsed by, the last one of 2021.
Some study and projects
Despite being Christmas a lot of work was done this month. I started some projects for my Master’s degree and there are two of them that I’m especially excited about. One of them is an Arduino project and our idea is to create a sensor that produces sound when someone passes by a disinfectant without using it. We believe this is a great solution to a recent problem which is, although there are a lot of disinfectants, people keep not using them, so, this a good first solution.
The other project is to segment and classify an infiltrative lesion from some slices of a brain CT using only image processing techniques. We are doing this on python with the OpenCV library.
Since I will have more exams in January, I spent some time studying. I prefer to study in advance to make my life easier in the future.
And of course, although I spent the majority of my time studying and working on these projects, I also spent some well deserved time with my friends and family. I find this balance necessary to keep doing the things I’m doing in the long term.
A look back to 2021
Concluding, it was a great year looking back. I started learning Python and developing my skills around Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I worked on the biggest project of my life so far, the final project of my licentiate degree about a denoise and deblur attempt on myocardial perfusion images by SPECT using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Model. After that, and finished my degree, I started working at Cleerly and, a month after that, I started my Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering.
A lot happened this year, I’m amazed by the result of it, and I feel I am on the right track. I hope 2022 will be even greater, I will work for that.
Happy 2022 to everyone.