January 2022 - A good start of 2022
I can say 2022 started the right way. As usual, I learned a lot and worked on some meaningful projects along this month. Here are the main takeways:
A segmentation application for brain CT scan
This class project was all about segmenting 8 transaxial slices of a brain CT scan. The goal was to segment and discriminate the infiltrative mass and the tumor that was present in the study. This work was made in python with mainly the OpenCV library. By the time I write this, we already submitted our work and it turned out pretty good.
We used various levels of threshold to be able to segment regions of different levels of pixel intensity. Then, we calculated the areas, perimeters, and circularities of the two regions and also defined their centroids. Next month, I intend to share that work and I’ll put the link here.
A sensor that gives a sound signal each time someone passes a disinfectant without using it
This is the project I’ve been working on for my “Sensors and Electronics” class. It’s not fully finished yet, but I can already give you the big picture of it.
We have two PIR sensors, one on top of the disinfectant, and another half meter ahead of the first. When the first one detects movement, meaning a person disinfected his hands, when he passes the second PIR sensor, the buzzer doesn’t give any output sound. But when the second PIR sensor detects movement, without the first one detected, meaning a person passed by the first sensor without disinfecting his hands, the buzzer emits sound.
Next month, I intend to write more about these two projects. I’m looking forward to that. See you next month.