Gonçalo Gonçalves

March 2022 - The Beggining of the 2nd Semester of My Mater's Degree

March was a difficult month. A lot happened in a short amount of time and I was a little overwhelmed by it. But, in the end, everything turned out fine and was an overall good month.

These are the main takeways:

Medical Instrumentation class

Just from the beginning, I could tell this class is going to take a lot of my time. I found it to be pretty advanced compared to what I know about this subject, but it’s a good opportunity to learn it. One thing that helps is that I’m passionate about this topic.

Throughout the semester we will learn mainly about the instrumentation of the EKG and of the oximeter. We will even be going to build one ourselves. It will be very challenging but also a lot of fun.

Happywhale competition on Kaggle

In the first half of March, I was still working on this competition and I even managed to submit a few times the tested results. Despite the not very promising results, I learned a lot along the way and it was very fun while it lasted.

Now, the competition is still going, but unfortunately is being difficult to work on this when I’m having classes at night and working on my full-time job during the day.

Projects section done

That’s right, I was finally able to add a projects section here on my blog!

Now you can read what I used and how I did the buzzer-to-hand sanitizer project. You can read it all here.

Despite I couldn’t load any images on my buzzer-to-hand sanitizer project, (it seems to have some sort of incompatibilty, I will look into that later), you can view the project images and a simulation on Tinkercad here in github